Bible Project

 “The most important thing about the Bible is that it tells the story of the Creator and his creation. It shares how humans are capable of both great and terrible things. It shows us how much the Creator cares for his wayward creation and what he has done to rescue it.

The Bible shares how Jesus, Israel’s long-awaited King, was born humbly, how he loved and served the misfits and outcasts of the world. It tells us how he confronted the powerful and called all people to repent—to turn away from sin–our disobedience and our self-reliant attempts to control and manipulate, in order to hang on to power.

The Bible tells the story of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension, how he came to save mankind from an eternity apart from God. In the Bible, we learn that Jesus promised: all who turn from their evil and selfish ways and agree that he is Lord and Savior will have eternal life.” Quoted from The International Bible Society at 

Current Needs

Many people in India need Bibles, and they are calling us asking us to help them. So God led me to give them the Holy Bible. If we can give a fish they can eat one day, but if we can teach them how to catch fish they can eat for a lifetime. 
So the same way, we are giving away Bibles to transform lives. The Word of God is like milk and honey. It can feed people spiritually. Bibles cost US$5.00 each. Please give your support for the Bible Project, and in turn help reach many people in India.