Get Involved

1. Please pray for the Country of India. Nations will be changed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are very few. Please pray for a great harvest and for many souls to find eternity in our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for the souls that will be saved. Please pray that our ministry will spread to many more villages and proclaim the living word of God to every house, every street corner, and every man, woman, and child. Praise the Lord!

2. Please pray for our Children’s Home, Blanket & Food Ministry, Film Ministry, Drinking Water Wells, and Pastor’s Conference. We need your prayerful encouragement. Prayers can change a lot of lives. Please pray for me and my family in your prayers, and my Mission in India.

3. If God leads you to visit our ministry in India, it is a great blessing for us to fellowship with you and your team. We can work together and glorify the Lord as we win souls together.

4. Please share about our Ministry work here in India to your friends and your family members in person, on the phone, via email, and on social media. Every gift helps.

5. We need you to sponsor our Ministry. Please pray and help our Mission work in India.

Thank you!