Leprosy Project

 Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is one of the world’s oldest diseases, caused by the bacteria species Mycobacterium Leprae.

Of the two forms of the disease, Paucibacillary (PB) leprosy is less severe, and usually results in hypopigmented lesions on the skin. The multibacillary (MB) form is the more familiar manifestation of the infection, and involves bacterial targeting of the skin, mucous membranes, and the peripheral nervous system. The physical symptoms include skin ulcerations and loss of sensation at extremities. Usually, the exacerbated physical deformities experienced by sufferers are not a direct result of the infection, but are caused when damage to the peripheral nervous systems anesthetizes limbs, making them susceptible to further damage and secondary infection that may necessitate amputation.

The people here with Leprosy come from very poor backgrounds. Most leprosy victims have long ago lost their self-confidence and human dignity in terms of socio-economic conditions, due to ignorance and non-literacy. Leprosy victims have little to no knowledge or readily available, accurate information available to them.

Providing Dignity of Life in the Society

Leprosy, which most often occurs among extremely poor communities without access to clean water and sanitation, is curable with a course of antibiotics. But the stigma associated with the disease means that sufferers are frequently cast out from their villages and towns.

Untreated, the disease destroys all feeling in the fingers and toes; so victims of the disease are unaware when they burn or injure their hands and feet. The Leprosy Mission reports that about three million people are currently disabled as a result of late treatment.

Our Leprosy Project is helps by providing blankets and nutritional food and groceries, and cooking oil. We also minister to their spiritual and emotional needs and share the Word of God with them, and the message of salvation. 

Please pray for them, and please consider donating to support those in our communities suffering with leprosy. We are a registered NGO.

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