Our Ministries

We have 15 orphans at Hope Home, and we need help providing food and clothing for them

We installed 500 clean-water wells with pumps in 2019 and you can sponsor a well for only $550US

Giving away Bibles at the cost of $5 each. Would you please help us spread the Gospel?

Providing food and blankets to homeless people and children begging on the streets.

Outreach includes preaching and teaching the Gospel, giving out tracts, and showing the Jesus Film

Encouraging, showing compassion, and providing medical care and support to the lepers here

Supporting widows and the elderly with food, blankets, Bible teaching, and encouragement

Nearly 500 million people have come to Jesus after watching this powerful and inspiring film

Our Mission

 “For in Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Colossians 2:9-10. Two thousand years ago when Jesus walked on the earth He was in the business of changing lives! Jesus wasn’t afraid or put off by people’s problems, struggles and needs. 

Whether physical, emotional or spiritual, Jesus cared for those who looked to Him for help and He brought freedom, life and wholeness wherever He went. At Vision of Hope Mission we don’t believe much has changed! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and He is still passionate about bringing healing and freedom to those who look to Him for help.

 Jesus may not be here on earth physically right now, but He has anointed His people to fulfill the same commission: To preach about the Kingdom of God, heal the sick and cast out demons. Vision of Hope Mission is a non-denominational Christian ministry that began in India in 2013 and we are Christ-Centered. Our Vision of Hope Mission family celebrates Jesus—the image of the invisible God, the Lord of all Creation!

In Jesus, we have heard and experienced God’s incredible love for every one of us. A Bible verse that we all cherish is found in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3 and verse 16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him might have eternal life.” 

 Jesus offers you this new life as his disciple as you experience God’s incredible love for you. We believe that God’s love for us is so great that God gave himself to us and for us in Jesus, God’s son, that every barrier between us and God might be removed and that we might live in the power of God’s Spirit with love, joy, peace and hope.

Jesus also invites you to be a part of his community of believers, and as a disciple share with the world God’s love and grow in that love yourself. Jesus’ invitation includes sharing the Good News in word and deed as we live with compassion and work for justice in this world.

How You Can Help

You will see as you view the pages here, our ministry is very active in many local communities and is providing desperately needed care to many people in many forms. Would you please consider donating to our mission work here in India? We are a registered NGO and anything you can send will be a tremendous blessing. Thank you.